The educational goals of the M-CNTC are to train the next generation of researchers and educators in the interdisciplinary area of cancer nanotechnology and to aid the NCI Alliance in building a community of faculty, PhD students, postdocs, and colleagues from clinical institutions to collaborate on education and research. We expect that this new generation of educators and researchers will be knowledgeable in cancer biology, nanotechnology, and nanoengineering, and will have developed a network of resources (people, facilities, international connections) that will benefit them in their future careers.
Key Objectives
- Teach students with life science background a core set of physical sciences/engineering concepts and principles (with a focus on technology and methods), and those with physical sciences/engineering background a core in cancerbiology
- Expose all students to the research tools in biology and engineering
- Offer students the opportunity to learn the skills that will be crucial in their future career development
- Create an environment that empowers the students to play a leadership role in the M-CNTC
- Enriching the students’ learning by offering clinical experiences
Educational activities are designed to create an environment in which M-CNTC students can achieve the above objectives with guidance from co-advisors in diverse fields in their research.
Planned Technical Courses
Computational and Experimental Analytic Approches to Biological Systems, Spring 2013
Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics, Fall 2012
BioNanotechnology and Nanomedicine: Applications in Cancer and Mechanobiology, Fall 2012
Experimental Methods for Biological Machines, Spring 2012
Stem Cell Engineering, Spring 2012
BioNanotechnology and Nanomedicine: Applications in Cancer and Mechanobiology, Fall 2011
Cell Biology for Engineers
Physics for Biologists
Targetting Tumors
Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology
Planned Life/Career Courses
Industry Environment
Patent and IP
Science and Technology Policy